What I'm Doing Now

Updated february 3rd, 2024

(This is a now page, and if you have your own site, you should make one, too.)

💼 new avenues in design

february 3, 2025

I'm stoked to announce that I’m now a Graphic Designer at VSSL Agency! I can't wait to dive into my role and geek out over design with my Art Director. VSSL's strong commitment to their values and positive change drew me in immediately. These values resonate with me deeply and I am absolutely fired up to embody these pillars of the VSSL identity. It's only the first week, but I can already tell that my brain was built to be a part of the collective genius of VSSL. I'm looking forward to talking more design shop with my fellow creatives, devs, and marketers!

🏡 Back in The U.S. after 7 Months Abroad

november 4, 2024

After an incredible 7 months backpacking in Southeast Asia I felt it was time return home for structure and stability. There were moments during my trip where I wanted so badly to be back home, but I knew I would regret this feeling as soon as I got back. I can assuredly say that I should not have taken that time for granted. I am back home now to spend time with family and enjoy the holidays as the year comes to a close. My new purpose and next adventure is building my freelance design business!

✈️ leaving the U.S. for SouthEast Asia

April 11, 2024

Today I left San Diego to set out and explore Southeast Asia. I purchased a one-way ticket to Bangkok, Thailand and we'll see how far my travel budget takes me!